How to Get the Burnt Plastic Smell Out of Your Dishwasher?

How to Get the Burnt Plastic Smell Out of Your Dishwasher? -This question has likely crossed your mind if you accidentally left a plastic container or utensil in your dishwasher. The unpleasant odor can linger for days, making your kitchen smell like a burnt plastic factory.

In this blog post, I’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to eliminate that burnt plastic smell from your dishwasher. Not only will this make your kitchen more pleasant, but it will also ensure that your dishes are clean and free from any residual odors.

The process is simple, affordable, and requires items you likely already have in your home. So, whether you’re dealing with a minor smell or a major stench, this article on removing the burnt plastic smell from your dishwasher will help restore freshness to your kitchen.

I will delve into the causes of this common problem, discuss preventative measures, and, most importantly, provide you with a tried and tested solution.

Remember, a clean dishwasher not only smells good but also performs better.

So, let’s get started on our journey to a fresher, cleaner, and more efficient kitchen.

Why Does My Dishwasher Smell Like Burning Plastic?

1. Melted Plastic Mishap:

  • Explanation: Certain plastics are not designed to withstand the high temperatures inside a dishwasher. When you accidentally place non-dishwasher-safe plastics (especially on the bottom rack), they can melt during a wash cycle. The result? That unmistakable burnt plastic smell.
  • Solution: To address this, always check the labels on plastic items before loading them into the dishwasher. If you find any melted plastic, gently scrape it off using a plastic scraper or spatula. Be cautious not to damage the dishwasher’s interior.

2. Heating Element Residue

  • Explanation: The dishwasher’s heating element is crucial in drying your dishes. However, if there’s any residue on the base of your dishwasher (usually near the heating element), it might be plastic that has made contact with the hot surface. This can happen due to a faulty element or an object that melted onto it.
  • Solution: Unplug the dishwasher, remove all dishes, and inspect the base. If you find any plastic residue, use a soft cloth or sponge dipped in dish soap and water to wipe down the heating element. This will help remove any additional residue.

3. Other Plastic Components

  • Explanation: Sometimes, the burnt plastic smell isn’t directly related to the heating element. Check your dishwasher’s racks for any signs of melted plastic. Additionally, inspect the sides for stickers, foam, or packaging materials that may have been left behind during manufacturing or previous use.
  • Solution: If you discover any plastic remnants, clean them thoroughly. Pay attention to the dishwasher’s interior components, including the racks and hidden crevices.

How to Get the Burnt Plastic Smell Out of Your Dishwasher: Effective Solutions and Prevention Tips

How to Get the Burnt Plastic Smell Out of Your Dishwasher

1. Melt It Away

  • If you notice melted plastic inside your dishwasher, it’s essential to remove it promptly. Use a plastic scraper or spatula to scrape off the melted plastic gently. Be cautious not to damage the dishwasher’s interior while doing so.

2. Unplug and Remove Dishes

  • Turn off the dishwasher and unplug it from the power source. Next, remove all dishes, utensils, and racks. This step allows you better access to the affected areas where the burnt plastic smell may be lingering.

3. Scrape Off the Burnt Plastic

  • To tackle any remaining plastic residue, use a soft cloth, or sponge dipped in a mixture of dish soap and water. Wipe down the heating element and other surfaces where you suspect plastic might have melted. This will help remove any additional residue.

4. Nail Polish Remover

  • Nail polish remover (acetone-based) can effectively remove stubborn plastic remnants. Apply a small amount of nail polish remover to a cloth and gently rub the affected area. Rinse thoroughly afterwards to ensure no residue remains.

5. Vinegar Solution

  • Fill a bowl with white vinegar and place it in the dishwasher. Run a cycle without any dishes. Vinegar is excellent for neutralizing odors, including the burnt plastic smell. It will leave your dishwasher smelling fresh.

6. Inspect and Clean the Heating Element

  • If your dishwasher has coils (usually at the bottom), inspect them for residue. Built-up plastic or other debris can contribute to unpleasant smells. Clean the coils thoroughly using a soft brush or cloth.

7. Baking

  • Sprinkle baking soda in the detergent compartment of your dishwasher. Run a cycle without any dishes. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and will help eliminate the odor. Repeat this step as needed until the burnt plastic smell disappears.

8. Filter Check

  • Regularly check and clean your dishwasher’s filter. A clogged filter can trap odors and prevent efficient drainage. Remove the filter, rinse it under running water, and ensure it is debris-free.

9. Ventilation Matters

  • Proper ventilation around your dishwasher is crucial. Ensure there’s enough airflow in the area where your dishwasher is installed. Good ventilation helps dissipate lingering smells and prevents moisture buildup.

10. Replace Damaged Components

  • If the burnt plastic smell persists even after trying these solutions, it’s possible that a component in your dishwasher, such as the heating element or a rack, needs to be replaced. Contact a qualified appliance repair technician to diagnose and fix the issue.

11. Professional Help: When DIY Fails

If, despite your best efforts, the burnt plastic smell persists, it’s time to consider professional assistance. Here’s what you can do:

  • Sometimes, the issue may be beyond your expertise. Reach out to a qualified appliance repair person. They can diagnose the problem, identify any underlying issues, and ensure your dishwasher is safe and odor-free.

Preventing Future Meltdowns: Addressing Your Dishwasher Odor Concerns

To avoid encountering the burnt plastic smell again, follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Check Before You Load:
    • Always refer to your dishwasher’s user manual. Check if certain types of plastic are dishwasher-safe. Some plastics can withstand high temperatures, while others cannot. Avoid placing non-dishwasher-safe plastics inside your dishwasher.
  2. Separate and Conquer:
    • When loading your dishwasher, separate utensils and containers made of heat-resistant plastic from those that aren’t. Wash non-dishwasher-safe plastic items by hand to prevent any future mishaps.
  3. Location, Location, Location:
    • Be mindful of where you place plastic items inside the dishwasher. The heating element is usually located near the bottom. To play it safe, put plastic items on the top rack. This minimizes the chances of direct contact with the heating element.

Conclusion: How to Get the Burnt Plastic Smell Out of Your Dishwasher?

By following these methods and regularly cleaning your dishwasher, you can effectively eliminate the burnt plastic smell and keep your appliance smelling fresh and clean.

Always consult your dishwasher’s user manual for specific cleaning instructions and recommendations.

With proper care and maintenance, your dishwasher will continue to deliver sparkling clean dishes and a fresh, odour-free environment for years to come.

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