12-DIY Effective Ways on How You Can Stop A Door From Slamming

How you can Stop a Door from slamming? Installing anti-slam door hardware, such as an Automatic Door Closer, is one of the greatest ways to prevent a door from slamming shut.

At one point in time, we’ve experienced door slamming.

This may be due to natural causes or intentional slamming.

Door slamming is not only a form of noise pollution but also annoying.

If it’s a frequent occurrence, then you’d better find a solution as it is distracting, especially if you are working from home, enjoying some downtime, or watching a movie

There are various ways to stop your door from slamming.

Some are simple inexpensive such that you can do it yourself or opt to hire a professional.

This article seeks to provide you with tips to stop your door from slamming.

But, first, let’s explore some of the things that cause your door to slam.

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What Are The Main Causes For A Door To Slam

  • Natural causes

Sometimes your door may slam due to forces of nature.

When the air pressure inside your home is high and low on the outside, door slamming is inevitable as the air flows out.

Additionally, the wind is another cause of door slamming; that’s why many people keep their doors and windows closed when there is a strong wind.

  • Intentional

Some people tend to bang doors when they are mad.

Such that they let out their frustrations by slamming doors.

You must have watched a movie or two where actors slam doors when they are angry about something.

  • Loose hinges

When the hinges connecting the door to the wall are loose, chances are your door will never stay shut.

And as such, it keeps swinging, which can be pretty annoying and destructive.

And when there is a strong wind, slamming becomes second nature.

Read More How To Open A Jammed Door

12-DIY Effective Ways on How You Can Stop A Door From Slamming

1.   Tighten or replace lose door hinges

If your door starts slamming, the first thing to take a look at should be your door hinges.

When not correctly installed or worn out, the chances are high that the hinges will start slamming whenever the door is not closed.

Moreover, if the hinges are worn out, it’s advisable to replace them with new hinges.

Additionally, you will need to check if it’s the screws that are not tightly secured in place.

You will need a lever to check if the hinges are correctly installed by opening the door at 90 degrees and checking if it’s out of balance.

How you can Stop a Door from slamming

Then reinstall it if you find that problem cannot be solved by tightening the screw.

Once you are done, use the lever to check its alignment.

If you are not experienced,  it’s best to contact a professional to reinstall.

2.  Install weather stripping

Weatherstripping is another inexpensive method of stopping your door from slamming.

Apart from that, it will also seal gaps in your door to prevent external air pressure.

It is also used for soundproofing.ir?t=virginia08b 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07XRX146J

If your door is heavy and massive, then weatherstripping is a perfect choice.

The advantage of this method is that you can do it by yourself; thus, there is no need for hiring a professional.

You may ask, how do I install it?

  • Start by cleaning the interior surface of your door frame.
  • Then measure the gap between the door and the frame.
  • Cut the strip, ensure that the length is the same as the gap, and glue it properly.

3.  Rubber bands

It’s an inexpensive and most effective method of stopping your door from slamming.

And you don’t need any expertise to install it.

You need to place your rubber band around the door handle.

Then stretch the band above and below the latch while latching around the door.

This prevents your door from slamming since the rubber band creates a bumper preventing the door from making any sound when it hits the band-covered frame.

4.  Pneumatic door closers

This is a sure way of stopping your door from slamming.

This method is mainly used in offices.

It is expensive, therefore, not ideal for doors that don’t slam a lot.

More so, you cant install it on all the doors in your home.

The doors are powered with a fluid that allows them to close with a tight seal, thus preventing them from opening independently or slamming.ir?t=virginia08b 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B0009YDHJ8

In some instances, the doors come with a remote control that allows you to control their opening and closing.

5.  Autofit the door with felt pads

Felt pads are suitable for lighter doors.

They are applied to the bottom part of your door to prevent it from scuffing the floor.

Felt pads are also effective in stopping your door from slamming as they are soft enough to create a viable barrier between your door and the frame.

They slow down and cushion the blow the door slam brings, thus absorbing the door slamming noise.

The benefit of using felt pads is that they are easy to apply and can be reused.

While the glue on the felt pad is still viable, you can apply them to other doors with the same issue.

The number of felt pads to use depends on the size of your doors.

However, it is recommended that you place felt pads on the lock, frame, and hinge, as well as the bottom and top gap.ir?t=virginia08b 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B01D93Z9ZA

6.  Door seals

They are also referred to as door filters, and they are perfect for stopping a door from slamming.

Door seals are fabric tubes that resemble rolled-up towels.

Door seals are placed at the top and bottom part of the door to seal the gaps, thus preventing your door from slamming.

Furthermore, the benefit is that you can make them at home or buy them online.

Door seals come in different designs, so choose according to your preference.ir?t=virginia08b 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B082W6F8DJ

7.  Install door stops

Door bumpers and doorstops are cheap and effective in stopping your door from slamming.

Door slamming can be pretty annoying; thus, many people opt for this solution, especially during the day.

Doorstops are the perfect solution during the day; you have to make or choose the right design for your door.

Many people use a wedge and place it at the bottom part of the door.

It’s advisable to ensure that it is outfitted firmly because if it’s loose, it might be pushed aside, and the door swings past and slams.ir?t=virginia08b 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B010ZIANAIir?t=virginia08b 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B088T7XMCY

8.  Finger pinch guards

Finger pinch guards are perfect for babyproofing a house, especially if you have things that can pinch their fingers.

They are made of soft foam and effectively prevent the door from closing.

However, they do not prevent a door from slamming open.

Since you only need one finger pinch guard per door, you can buy a six-pack and outfit all your doors, especially if you live in an area prone to strong wind.ir?t=virginia08b 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07735SH26

9.  Use wall bumpers

If your door slams against the walls, leaving a dent, you can use a bumper to protect your walls.

Wall bumpers are made of plastic pads or foam.

They are fixed at the point where the door or doorknob comes into contact with the wall.

The upside of using bumpers is that they are sold in a pack of four and are transparent, making it easy to paint on top of them to enhance your home’s aesthetic.

They are self-adhesive, cost-friendly, effective, and easy to fix on the wall.

They not only minimize the impact noise but also protects your walls from being damaged.ir?t=virginia08b 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B082KJWBXC

10. Foam strips

Door slamming can be a nuisance when you are busy doing a task that requires total concentration. Therefore, you will resort almost to anything that promises to give you quiet.

Adhesive foam strips are the best, and they come in various sizes, so choose one that can be fitted to your door frame.

And apply it firmly to the edge to prevent your door from slamming.

Many people choose to resort to DIY solutions, while others opt to purchase anti-door slamming equipment.

Foam strips are a popular option for stopping your door from slamming. It is inexpensive and easy to install.ir?t=virginia08b 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B06XCGYFLP

11. Rugs or cushion

This is a perfect DIY solution to door slamming.

This is because they are things found within the house and do not require much work.

Unlike rubber bands that can snap or wear off, rags and towels are more durable.

You will have to tear them and cover the gaps on the side, bottom, and top parts of your door.

This will prevent your door from closing completely, thus preventing the slamming sound.

The downside is that while using them for anti-door slamming, you’d have to give up using them for other purposes.

This is because you’d have to tear them up.

The other downside is that it is temporary, and you will have to remove them every time you need to close the door.

And this can be quite tasking.

This makes it practical for the short term.

Therefore, if you are looking for more permanent methods, you’d better look into other ways, such as felt pads, wall bumpers, and finger pinch guards

12. Cover the doorknob with a cushion

You can prevent your door from slamming noise by covering the door handle with a cushion made of soft material.

The good thing is that it covers the door latch but still allows your door to close.

However, your door will not latch, thus preventing it from making noise.

This is best if you have kids and do not want to wake them up after checking in.

Final Thoughts How you can Stop a Door from slamming

If your door is slamming because of loose hinges or natural causes,  don’t worry, as it’s effortless to stop your door from hitting the frame or wall.

Apply any of the tips discussed above, and you will have a quiet working and living environment without the annoying door slam.

Have you ever used any of the above anti-slamming methods? Please share your experience and opinions in the comment section.

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