How To Hide A Pet From The Landlord: 8 Crafty Ways

Are you pondering on the best ways on how to hide a pet from the landlord? Below are some of the tips on how to hide that cat/puppy from your landlord.

A landlord calls the shots every day if you are a tenant. They dictate the amount of rent to be paid, who should rent, and whether you can have pets or not, among other regulations.

Pets such as cats and dogs are awesome, and most of the time, it is hard to let go.

According to the Insurance Information Institute (iii), 85 million families in the US (67%)  own a pet. They include and are not limited to dogs, cats, birds, and fish, among others.

People get so attached to their pets to the extent that they no longer feel comfortable when their pets are not around.

Because of such attachments, tenants will do anything in their capacity to sneak in their pets if the apartment they reside in prohibits them from keeping pets.

Most people opt for cats because they are generally not noisy; they are easy to hide and do not require to be walked outside.

For tenants who opt for dogs as pets in rented apartments, they have no choice other than to wake up very early in the morning before the opening of the leasing office to either walk or hide their pets.

Besides, they will have to wait until it’s dark to bring their dog back.

Read more on How To Keep Your Indoor Cat Entertained At Home

8 Crafty Ways On How To Hide A Pet From The Landlord (During Short-Notice Inspection)

Landlords are different, and their reaction towards a tenant owning a pet in their apartment is different.

Nevertheless, to save yourself from your landlord’s unpredictable wrath below are some genius ways of hiding that pet like an expert, thus averting eviction or even hefty fines from your landlord.

1)   Remove All Pet-Related Stuff.

A substantial number of landlords may insist on conducting surprise inspections or give short notice for the same. Nevertheless, short notice should not make you panic.

Always make it a habit to clean up all the toys after your pet is done playing with them.

If your apartment is full of scattered kitty toys, it will be easy for the landlord to figure it out. On the other hand, hiding the toys in the cupboard or the stairs is not a brilliant idea.

The landlord may decide to inspect the hinges and the wall leading you to being busted. Take all the pet stuff to your friend or family’s place.

You can also hide them in the boot of your car parked outside the apartment. I recommend the pet toys storage bin since it is durable and stylish

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2)   Thorough Cleaning Of The Apartment

Once given notice of inspection, endeavor to clean your apartment thoroughly; otherwise, you will be exposed.

Pets, especially dogs and cats, have their distinct odor, which is quite easy to notice.

Besides, you might not be aware of your landlord’s allergies, making it easy for them to notice once they step into your unclean house.

If you want to hide your pet from your landlord, always cover up any evidence (odor, hair). Vacuum your house thoroughly, including the couches, curtains, and rugs/carpets.

Regularly make use of scented candles, and room sprays to mask the pet smell. A portable air purifier can help in eliminating the pet odor.

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3)   Show A Lack Of Interest When It Comes To Pets.

Once a landlord gets the feeling that you do not have a pet’s personality, they will not engage you so much in them.

If by any chance, you get to converse with your landlord, ensure the issue they get to know how you dislike pets.

This notion will keep you on good terms with him/her since they will not have a reason to suspect you.

4)   Request Your Close Friend To Pet-Sit Through Inspection

As a pet owner, the first thing that comes into your mind when you have a scheduled inspection is where to hide your beloved pet.

Choosing the right spot prior can be quite tricky inside the apartment. To avoid unnecessary issues with the landlord, you can request your friend to pet-sit for you for a few days.

Taking them for dinner afterward or buying a bottle of wine is all it may cost you for a friend to come through for you.

How To Hide A Pet From The Landlord

5)   Disguise Your Pet

It might seem like an effortless task, but it’s not. Disguising your pet, especially big pets like cats and dogs it’s not easy.

For pets like a lizard or a mouse, you can surely place them in their pen and keep them in the store’s dark cupboard during inspection time.

Be sure your pet is not afraid of a dark environment as they make some sounds and expose you.

To further camouflage them, you can cover the pen with a blanket or place other items on top to make them look different.

When it comes to cans, you can hide them in a soundproof basket, ensuring they can breathe.

In case you have carrier bags for the cat, make sure to hide them. Foldable carrier bags are easy to keep.

6)   Ensure You Are Not Spotted Together With Your Pet

If your pet is a dog, ensure not to be spotted with it, especially when doing evening walks. T

his idea might look like a commonsense concept, but it’s not. Many tenants have been spotted and caught while walking around with their pets.

Also, ensure nobody can spot the pet even from the windows. Keep the blinders closed all the time.

7)   Be Careful What You Tell Your Neighbor/Landlord

Be careful when talking to your neighbors or landlords.

If your apartment is a no-pet apartment, it’s obvious your neighbor knows you do not have pets.

Some neighbors may end up reporting you to the landlord or the manager to launch an inspection of your apartment.

Let your normal conversation between you and your neighbors or landlord be just normal.

8)   Reduce The Total Number Of Times The Landlord Pops Into Your Apartment.

Ensure your landlord does not keep on popping into your apartment.

In case you have any requests to make, always endeavor to have the meeting at the apartment office or a nearby restaurant.

In addition, try and establish how often the landlord visits the building. Some are frequent, while others come occasionally.

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How To Hide A Pet From The Landlord: (Consequences Of Been Exposed).

 I.  Hefty Fines.

Violation of rules set in the lease contract can attract d big fine from your landlord.

It is always ideal to abide by the rules as a tenant, for you will avoid a lot of skirmishes with the landlord.

Some landlords may try to understand while others will try and charge you for every day the pet has been around the apartments and any damages.

  II.  Risk Of Losing Your Pet

Letting your pet go is one of the options the landlord may give you once they realize you violated the apartment’s set rules.

Instead of leaving the apartment, the landlord will allow you to let the pet go or vacate completely.

Termination of a lease can be expensive and can cost and inconvenience you. Breaking a lease can lead to hefty penalties.

 III. You May Face Eviction From The Property.

Sneaking a pet into a property that does not allow them can be termed as a violation of the contract and can lead to eviction.

In as much as some landlords may be willing to work out a solution with you, some will not.

They may go to the extent of suing you to pay for the remaining lease period. In addition, it may be difficult to rent later due to the history you will have created.

Read more on How To Do Away With Neighbor’s Cats In The Yard

How To Hide A Pet From The Landlord? (Factors To Consider Before Sneaking A Pet)

Sneaking and hiding a pet in an apartment that does not allow them can be daunting to the pet owner.

Below are some of the factors you should consider before bringing the pet into the apartment.

   i.  How Spacious Is The Apartment?

Before sneaking in that beloved pet, you should consider how big the apartment is.

Does the apartment have some storage under the stairs, and fire exit points, among others? You should also check out if the apartment also has a backyard; if it is a home, how big is the compound?

It would be best to consider all factors before you decide to sneak and hide that pet from your landlord.

 ii.  How Big Is The Pet?

Always consider the size of the pet you are about to accommodate in an apartment/house you are renting.

It is easier to hide small pets like birds and fish as they are not noisy and messy.

Big pets like dogs and cats can be tricky because of their size and needs.

  iii. Pet Odor.

Some pets, like dogs and cats, can present a challenge of odor. Pet dander can mess up a rented apartment.

The fur and the fecal matter can pause a challenge in terms of cleanliness.

Extra Tips On How To Hide A Pet From The Landlord (Cat/Dog).

1)   Use Of Litter Box

Fecal matter from cats usually has a very distinct and bad smell. If not taken care of well, it will be very easy for anyone to recognize a house with cats.

Such smell is one reason you may not want your cat to help itself on your carpets or couches.

Make sure you have trained your pet correctly on how to use their little litter box.

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Using a litter box ensures your house will remain clean and free of bad smells. Always empty and clean your cat’s litter box to encourage the cat to continue using it. In fact, you can buy a litter box cabinet.

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2)   Schedule For Feeding Times.

Form a habit of feeding your pet at specific times. If your pet is used to eating every now and then, it may fuss when they find out that there is no available food for them when out on errands.

3)   Keep Clear The Window.

Cats and dogs alike enjoy basking and cleaning themselves in the sun. The likelihood of your neighbor spotting your pet on the window is very high during the day.

Ensure to spot a secure place for your pet to bask and laze around without exposing you.

How To Hide A Pet From The Landlord

4)   Toys To Play With

Make Google your friend, and find some good toys to keep your pet busy while at work.

Toys will make your pet to be occupied during the day and not to be bored. Zippypaws are good toys for dogs.

Once bored, pets such as dogs and cats will bark and meow for attention. An interactive robot is a good toy for cats.

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5)   Train On Sleeping Alone.

Train your pets (cats/dogs) to sleep alone. Once used to sleep alone, it will not be restless when you hide it in a specific room during an inspection.

When applied to where the cat sleeps, herbs like catnips will help them sleep well during the night.

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Final Thoughts How To Hide A Pet From The Landlord

The decision to sneak a pet into an apartment where they are prohibited is a tenant’s sole decision and not for the faint-hearted.

If the pet is worth the risk, then go ahead; after all, many people do it.

Above are some of the few tips you can employ to hide a pet from your landlord.

While I understand that you may be looking for ways to hide a cat during an apartment inspection, it’s important to emphasize that honesty and open communication with your landlord is generally the best approach. Attempting to hide a pet can lead to potential legal and housing issues, including eviction.
Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the consequences if I don’t inform my landlord about having a cat?
If your landlord has a strict “No Pets” policy and discovers that you have a cat, they have the right to evict you from the apartment. This is especially true if you signed a lease agreement that explicitly prohibits pets. Landlords who enforce this policy tend to be firm and may not be understanding or lenient.

Can my landlord prevent me from having a cat?
Landlords have the authority to deny tenants’ requests to have pets, but they must provide a reasonable explanation in writing within 28 days of receiving the request. According to the regulations, reasonable justifications could include situations where smaller homes or apartments are not suited for pet ownership.

What are the consequences of not informing my landlord about my pet?
Attempting to hide a pet in your apartment can result in fines or penalties. If your landlord demands an amount of money that was not specified in the lease agreement, you may have the option to file a civil court case to recover your expenses. However, it’s important to note that the court does not have the legal authority to allow you to keep the pet against your landlord’s wishes.

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