How To Keep Your House from Smelling Like a Dog

Are you tired of feeling like you’re living in a dog kennel instead of your own home? While our furry friends bring us endless love and joy, they can also bring along their not-so-pleasant odor. The last thing you want is for your guests to be greeted with a strong whiff of a dog as they walk through your door.

From natural odor eliminators to pet-friendly cleaning products, I’ll explore how to tackle pet odors in your home.

I’ll also discuss common mistakes people make when trying to eliminate pet odors, such as using air fresheners and scented candles instead of getting to the root of the problem.

As pet owners, we understand the importance of creating a safe and healthy environment for our furry companions.

That’s why I’ll also provide pet-friendly cleaning tips that are safe for you and your beloved pets.

You don’t have to choose between a clean home and a happy pet – with our tips; you can have both!

Say goodbye to those doggy smells, and hello to a clean, fresh home!

How To Keep Your House from Smelling Like a Dog: 10-Cleaning Tips to Keep Your House Smelling Fresh & Pet-Odor Free

How To Keep Your House from Smelling Like Dog


1. Use non-toxic cleaning products

When selecting cleaning products for your home, choose products labeled as non-toxic and safe for pets. Look for products that contain natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.

These ingredients are safe for pets and can be as effective as traditional cleaning products.

2. Avoid harsh chemicals

Avoid using cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals like bleach, ammonia, and formaldehyde.

These chemicals can harm your pet’s respiratory system and cause skin irritation.

Instead, opt for non-toxic cleaning products that are safe for pets.

3. Vacuum regularly

Vacuuming your home regularly is important to remove pet hair, dander, and other allergens contributing to pet odors.

Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to capture even the smallest particles.

4. Wash your pet’s bedding

Your pet’s bedding can quickly become a source of pet odors, so it’s important to wash it regularly.

Use a pet-friendly detergent and add a cup of white vinegar to the wash to help eliminate odors.

5. Clean up accidents immediately

If your pet has an accident indoors, cleaning it up immediately is important to prevent the odor from lingering.

Use a pet-specific cleaner to remove any stains and odors, and blot up as much moisture as possible.

6. Air out your home

To mitigate pet odors and enhance the air quality in your home, try opening your windows and doors to promote fresh air circulation.

7. Use natural odor eliminators

Instead of using traditional air fresheners that contain harsh chemicals, consider using natural odor eliminators to freshen up your home.

For example, you can place bowls of baking soda around your home to absorb odors or use activated charcoal in a cloth bag to help absorb moisture and odors.

8. Keep litter boxes clean

Keeping their litter boxes clean is important to prevent odors from building up in your home if you have cats. Scoop out the litter box at least once a day and completely change the litter once a week.

Consider using an odor-absorbing litter or a litter deodorizer to help keep the litter box smelling fresh.

9. Wipe your pet’s paws

Wiping your pet’s paws after they come inside can help prevent dirt and odors from being tracked throughout your home.

Keep a towel or wet wipes near your door to make cleaning your pet’s paws easy before they come inside.

10.  Consider professional cleaning

If you’re struggling to eliminate pet odors from your home, consider hiring a professional cleaning service specializing in pet-friendly cleaning.

These services use non-toxic cleaning products and can help deep clean your home to eliminate stubborn odors.

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How to Make Your Own Natural Pet Odor-Neutralizing Spray

If you’re looking for a natural and effective way to eliminate pet odors in your home, making your odor-neutralizing spray can be a great solution.

Not only is it cost-effective, but it’s also eco-friendly and safe for your pets.

Step 1: Gather your supplies

To make your own natural pet odor-neutralizing spray, you’ll need the following supplies:

    • 1 cup of distilled water
    • 1 cup of white vinegar
    • 10-15 drops of essential oils (such as lavender, lemon, or peppermint)
    • A spray bottle

Step 2: Mix the ingredients

In a bowl, mix the distilled water and white vinegar.

White vinegar is a natural deodorizer and disinfectant, making it an effective ingredient for eliminating pet odors.

Then, add 10-15 drops of your chosen essential oils.

Essential oils add a pleasant scent to your spray and have antimicrobial properties that can help kill odor-causing bacteria.

Step 3: Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle

Once you’ve mixed the ingredients, transfer the mixture to a clean spray bottle.

Ensure the spray bottle is clean and free of residue or chemicals.

Step 4: Use the spray

To use the spray, spray it directly onto the source of the odor or in the air to freshen up a room.

The natural ingredients in the spray will neutralize the odor and leave a fresh, pleasant scent behind.

Tips for using the spray:

  • Shake the spray bottle before each use to ensure the ingredients are well-mixed.
  • Test the spray on a small, inconspicuous area before using it on fabrics or surfaces to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage or discoloration.
  • Store the spray bottle in a cool, dark place when not in use.

Making your own natural pet odor-neutralizing spray is an easy and effective way to eliminate pet odors in your home.

You can create a safe and eco-friendly spray for your pets with just a few simple ingredients.

So the next time you face a pet odor problem, reach for your homemade spray and enjoy a fresh, clean-smelling living space.

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Mistakes You’re Making When Trying to Eliminate Pet Odors

People make a few common mistakes when it comes to eliminating pet odors from your home.

Unfortunately, these mistakes can make the problem worse rather than better. 

Mistake #1: Using scented candles and air fresheners

While scented candles and air fresheners may temporarily mask pet odors, they don’t eliminate the odor’s source.

Many scented candles and air fresheners can contain harmful chemicals that can harm both humans and pets.

Tip: Instead of using scented candles and air fresheners, use natural odor-absorbing products such as baking soda or activated charcoal.

Mistake #2: Not cleaning your pet’s bedding regularly

Your pet’s bedding can harbor many odor-causing bacteria and dirt, contributing to unpleasant pet odors in your home.

If you’re not cleaning your pet’s bedding regularly, you may inadvertently worsen the problem.

Tip: Wash your pet’s bedding at least once a week using a pet-friendly laundry detergent. Additionally, consider using odor-eliminating sprays specifically designed for pet bedding.

Mistake #3: Not cleaning your carpets and upholstery regularly

Carpets and upholstery can absorb pet odors over time, and if you’re not cleaning them regularly, these odors can linger and become more difficult to eliminate.

Tip: Vacuum your carpets and upholstery regularly, and consider using a carpet cleaner or professional cleaning service to deep-clean your carpets and upholstery at least once a year.

Mistake #4: Using harsh cleaning products

While keeping your home clean is important to prevent pet odors, harsh cleaning products can worsen the problem.

Many cleaning products contain chemicals that can irritate your pet’s respiratory system and leave behind a strong chemical scent that can contribute to unpleasant odors in your home.

Tip: Use natural cleaning products safe for pets, such as vinegar and baking soda, instead of harsh chemicals.

Mistake #5: Not addressing the source of the odor

Perhaps the biggest mistake people make when trying to eliminate pet odors is not addressing the source of the odor.

If you’re not identifying and addressing the source of the odor, you’re just masking the problem rather than eliminating it.

Tip: Identify the source of the odor and address it directly.

For example, if your dog has a urinary tract infection, take it to the vet to treat the infection rather than just trying to eliminate the odor.

How To Keep Your House from Smelling Like a Dog:Tips on Proper Grooming and Care of Your Dogs

Dogs are known for their lovable personalities but can also leave a trail of odor behind them.

Pet owners often find it challenging to keep their homes smelling fresh and clean with a dog around.

The good news is that there are several steps you can take to keep your house from smelling like a dog.

How To Keep Your House from Smelling Like Dog

Step 1: Regular Grooming

Regular grooming is essential in keeping your house from smelling like a dog.

Grooming helps to remove dirt, debris, and loose hair from your dog’s coat.

It also helps reduce the amount of oil on your dog’s skin, which is a major odor source.

    1. Brush your dog’s coat: Regular brushing helps to remove loose hair and dead skin cells, which can contribute to odor. Use a brush appropriate for your dog’s coat type, and brush your dog at least once a week.
    2. Bathe your dog: Bathing your dog is another important part of regular grooming. Use a shampoo specifically designed for dogs, and avoid over-bathing your dog, as this can strip their skin of natural oils. Bathe your dog every 4-6 weeks or as needed.
    3. Clean your dog’s ears: Cleaning your dog’s ears is also an important part of regular grooming. Use a cotton ball or pad to clean your dog’s ears gently, and avoid using cotton swabs, as these can damage the ear canal.
    4. Trim your dog’s nails: Long nails can cause discomfort and even pain for your dog. Trim your dog’s nails regularly to prevent them from becoming too long.

Step 2: Cleaning

Cleaning is another essential step in keeping your house from smelling like a dog.

Regular cleaning can help remove dirt, hair, and other debris contributing to odor.

    1. Vacuum regularly: Vacuuming is an important part of keeping your home clean. Vacuum your carpets, furniture, and other areas where your dog spends time at least once a week. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to capture even the smallest particles.
    2. Use a lint roller: A lint roller is an easy way to remove pet hair from your clothing and furniture. Keep a lint roller handy and use it regularly to keep your home hair-free.
    3. Clean up accidents promptly: Accidents happen, but it’s essential to clean them up promptly to prevent odors from setting in. Use an enzymatic cleaner to break down the urine or feces and eliminate odor.
    4. Wash your dog’s bedding: It can accumulate odor over time, so it’s essential to wash it regularly. Use a detergent specifically designed for pet odors to eliminate residual smells.
    5. Clean your dog’s toys: Your dog’s toys can also contribute to odor, especially if they are made of fabric or other porous materials. Wash your dog’s toys regularly or replace them as needed.

Step 3: Odor-Absorbing Products

Odor-absorbing products can also help keep your house from smelling like a dog.

These products work by neutralizing odors in the air or on surfaces.

    1. Baking soda: Baking soda is a natural odor absorber that can be used in various ways. Sprinkle baking soda on your carpets and furniture, let it sit for a few hours, and then vacuum it up. You can also mix baking soda with water to create a spray that you can use to clean surfaces around your home.
    2. Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal is another natural odor absorber that can eliminate pet odors. Place activated charcoal in a small dish and leave it in areas where your dog spends time. It will absorb any odors and leave your home smelling fresh.
    3. Air purifiers: Air purifiers can help remove pet odors from the air. Choose one that has a HEPA filter, as it can capture even the smallest particles.
    4. Odor-eliminating sprays: Many odor-eliminating sprays are specifically designed for pets. These sprays work by neutralizing odors in the air and on surfaces.
    5. Essential oils: Essential oils can also be used to eliminate pet odors. Add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser and let it run for a few hours to freshen up your home. Be sure to choose safe pet oils like lavender, chamomile, and peppermint.

Step 4: Preventing Odors

Preventing odors is another essential step in keeping your house from smelling like a dog.

    1. Train your dog: If your dog is trained to stay off furniture and carpets, it can help reduce the hair and odor they leave behind. Train your dog to stay in designated areas of your home, such as a dog bed or crate.
    2. Use air circulation: Good air circulation can help prevent odors from lingering in your home. Open your windows and let fresh air circulate in your home. Use fans to help circulate the air and prevent odors from settling.
    3. Use odor-resistant materials: Choosing odor-resistant materials can also help prevent odors in your home. For example, hardwood floors are easier to clean than carpets and are less likely to hold onto odors.

Takeaway on How To Keep Your House from Smelling Like a Dog

In conclusion, keeping your house smelling fresh and clean, even with pets, doesn’t have to be daunting.

By implementing the tips and tricks on how to keep your house from smelling like a dog discussed in this article, you can easily eliminate pet odors and enjoy a clean home.

I’ve explored natural odor eliminators, pet-friendly cleaning products, and easy DIY hacks to help tackle pet odors in your home.

I’ve also emphasized the importance of addressing the source of the odor rather than simply masking it with air fresheners or scented candles.

Additionally, I’ve provided pet-friendly cleaning tips that are safe for you and your furry companion. This ensures you can maintain a clean home without compromising your pet’s health.

Ultimately, keeping your home smelling fresh and clean is beneficial for your well-being and your pet’s.

Say goodbye to those doggy smells and hello to a clean, fresh home that you and your pet can enjoy!

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